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RN-BSN Stipend Program

Cal State Fullerton’s School of Nursing is committed to providing exceptional educational opportunities to its students. We are fortunate enough to demonstrate that commitment through a new stipend program that provides up to $10,000 per eligible student to ensure the completion of their BSN!

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Things to know about the RN-BSN Stipend Program:

  • The RN-BSN Stipend Program assists students by offsetting program-related costs, reducing the need for student loans, and enabling ADN students to obtain their BSN degree as quickly as possible.
  • Students are required to sign a contract that clearly details their obligations to receive the RN-BSN Stipend. This can provide students with $5,000 dollars per semester, up to $10,000 total.
  • To qualify for the RN-BSN Stipend, students must agree to actively seek and obtain employment as a registered nurse in Orange County within six (6) months of graduating with their BSN. Recipients are required to stay employed as a registered nurse in Orange County up to one (1) year after graduation.
  • If you were enrolled in Jump Start or in our Concurrent Enrollment Programs, you have special priority to receive the stipend! 
  • The RN-BSN Stipend Program Application can be found below and should be filled out as soon as the application cycles open, as the stipend is awarded based on available funding.

Application Dates

  • Fall semester applications open July 1st - August 10th
  • Spring semester applications open December 1st - January 18th