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MSN Nursing Leadership Program Overview

The Master of Science in Nursing: Nursing Leadership Concentration (hereafter MSN Leadership) offers course work and clinical experiences which prepare nurses to expand their career options with a focus on leadership roles at the systems level for positions in administration and education and to create work environments that promote professional nursing. The degree prepares nursing leaders to apply their skills across the health care continuum, from acute care settings to community based agencies. Graduates may work in nursing administration at various levels of management, in a line or a staff position (in a specialized area such as quality improvement, staff/patient education, risk management, research or strategic planning) as well as in academic, consultative and case management positions.

Students gain an advanced knowledge base and skill set that is grounded in the scientific discipline and art of professional nursing. This level of professional education is necessary to meet the needs of a complex and changing health care system and new client demands for optimum outcomes and quality. The degree program is designed to foster interdisciplinary collaborative skills and independent functioning within the focused specialty area of Nursing Leadership.


"I completed my BSN at CSUF and had a great experience. When deciding on my MSN in leadership, it was the curriculum that helped me make that decision. The variety in the curriculum was the most attractive component to the MSN in leadership." - MSN Nursing Leadership Student