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DNP Post-Master's Program Overview

The DNP is a professional practice degree designed to prepare advanced practice nurses for complex practice and leadership roles in the clinical setting as well as teaching roles at California's community colleges and at the California State University. The program is a rigorous academic experience designed to prepare nurses to assume the highest levels of nursing professional practice. In addition to developing advanced competencies in evidence-based practice, leadership, health policy, and advocacy, graduates will develop in-depth skills in a focused area of nursing practice. Students will complete a total of 1,000 clinical hours in practicum experience.

This is a Post-Master's DNP program. You must have a Master's degree to be considered. This pathway does not lead to additional certification; students will continue preparation in their current specialty.

Fall 2024 Applications

Fall 2024 applications opened on October 1, 2023 through  Cal State Apply. 

Please review our application process for instructions on how to apply.

Join Our Interest List

If you have a Master's degree or are currently enrolled in a Master's degree program, please join our interest list.

Contact Us

General Inquiries: 

Program Director:
Rachel McClanahan, DNP, RN, NCSN 
(657) 278-7536