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Grants and Projects


Engage Grant

ENGAGE grant is a federally funded program to increase nursing workforce diversity through better understanding the effect of students’ background, goals, lifestyle, and social support on their level of persistence and post-graduation outcomes. Holistic admissions, faculty training to support diverse students, and $600,000 in student financial support are among the many student centered initiatives in this grant.

RN-BSN Stipend

RN_BSN Stripend

Through a generous $5 million grant, the RN-BSN Stipend Program aims to expand the nursing workforce in Orange County by providing $10,000 stipends for eligible RN-BSN students. Current and incoming RN-BSN students who are dedicated to working in Orange County can have their BSN completely paid for and be free to prioritize their BSN schoolwork. Ultimately, the Stipend Program is dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes in Orange County by addressing the shortage of BSN-trained nurses in the workforce.


Dr. Al-Majid and Students

Enriching Nursing Representation to Impact Community Health (ENRICH) is a federally funded program to increase retention and graduation of full-time graduate nursing students from disadvantaged backgrounds, including student from racial and ethnic minority groups.

The ENRICH Program is funded through a 5-year (2020-2025) grant by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in the amount of $3,250,000 to support tuition and school-related expenses of eligible graduate students.

Robust Aging Program

Robust Aging Program

The Robust Aging Program (RAP), run by Kate Bayhan, DNP, RN, was founded by Dr. Rose Sakamoto. It serves to provide resources, and participates in aging studies research. The RAP works closely with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) members, and its clinic provides basic first aid, medication counseling, blood pressure checks, resources, and hosts educational events. The RAP clinic also serves as a gateway for MSTEM Star Program, providing students the opportunity to participate in paid research experience, qualify for scholarships, and pursue a minor in Aging Studies. If you are interested in volunteering with the RAP clinic, please email to gain valuable experience with the aging population.